Monday, March 29, 2010


It's been awhile since I've written. Not for lack of things to say, but I guess I just didn't know how to say it. The last month, has let things sink in. I am always going a million miles a minute, but in the free time, or as I sit quietly protecting my area, life... has set in. In the past 5 years my world has changed pretty dramatically. I wasn't happy with where I had steered myself, I kept making excuses and said things would get better. When I finally stopped and realized things were only getting worse. Two years ago, I stood up to myself, and said its time to do what feels right. To do what makes me happy. I made some changes, and now am in a spot where I can set myself up for success or the win. See, I feel like my life is on a timeout. The days are flying by, but everything seems to stand still or stay the same back home. I've paid my debts, started my Masters, and am learning as much as I can about the military and Afghanistan as I can. I have all different types of leaders around me, and have been watching them and seeing how they handle situations. I have

I look at this country, my own, and others I've visited or have studied, and I wonder, who am I meeting, or who is in the wings, to be the next inspiration. Who will be the next game changer....

For me, the original game changers were our Founding Fathers. They believed in something bigger, greater, better, for them and their children. They had the imagination, the patience, and will to stand up for what they believe in. Now were they perfect. No, because life, like Earth is ever evolving. I could go on and name the great leaders who brought great change to America, and the World. But I wonder, who will step up in the world. I'm in a country torn by war, by belief, religion. People, searching for order and a direction. Persuaded by TV and people who have power, like anywhere in the world. They had hope with the Northern Alliance, being lead by Ahmad Shah Massoud, and now they seem to have hope as well with us here... but there is still something missing...

But where is the turning point... its a constant battle, when will someone stand up for what they believe. Have the patience, the persaverance, the "it" factor, to appeal to all in some way, shape or form. To inspire, that there is something better then what they have.. that it won't come over night, but with time... where will that turning point be??

Who inspires you, who do you inspire... we can all make a difference in something, but most of the time for it to be truely affective you need to find that passion... What are you passionate about? I'm not saying go out and change the world. Study the world, see what makes it tick, and see what you can do to make it better for those around you... the better it is for them, sooner or later the better it is for everyone!

Remember the mind, the body, and your will, have more powers and capabilities then what we use in our day to day lives. The world is at a dark hour... horrible economic times, jobs are hard to find, global warming (or not), problems at home, wars, hunger... doubts, doubting yourself, your loved ones, your world. DON'T its not worth it!! Don't be afraid to be the light... have the courage to stay positive, to be the light, to lead you and others to something better. You never know when one thing can be the turning point for everybody...

Today, I was inspired... by a poem, by a movie, and by a man. Invictus, the poem is short but powerful, the movie gives a broader view how a few people who believed, lit up a c country. From the short narratives I've read of Nelson Mandela, along with his quotes and references, I have admired his view on life and how he understands and relates to people. A lot of his quotes, and his references refer to some sort of light coming out of darkness. I hope when my days are done that I can be the light for many peoples darkness...

"...I am the master of my fate:
The captain of my soul."
Invictus by William Ernest Henley